Help Us Expand The Masjid
Basement Project
The masjid space is not being used to its full potential! We are currently sitting on a basement with over 10,000 sqft of space which could be utilised to expand the masjid and increase our services for the community. Alhamdulillah, we have raised £261,158 to facilitate phase 1 of the basement project. We still need £238,842 to complete the full project.
Where Is Your Money Going?
What Will The Basement Offer?
Wudu / Ablution Area
Burial And Washroom Facilities
Education Youth Centre
Multi-purpose hall
Industrial Kitchen For Events

£500,000 goal
At Al Furqan Centre we are solution focused, our community faces many challenges and we tackle them head on. We have many services and programs running from our site including services for our sisters and youth. Our community needs a safe space to grow and flourish in and Al Furqan Centre aims to provide that.
To move forward as a Muslim community – Al Furqan Centre MUST expand.
If you donate you can gain a share in the reward for every act of worship and service the masjid provides!
The Prophet (PBUH) said: “Whoever builds a masjid for the sake of Allah, Allah will build for him a house in Paradise.”
[Sahih Bukhari]